NEWS :  

” What scenarios for Europe? Young Europeans, key players in the future of the European Union”
Quels scénarios pour l’Europe ? Les jeunes européens acteurs essentiels de l’avenir de l’Union Européenne”
19-23 May 2025 – More


“1864-1964, l’école de Cluny dans son siècle
Mardi 11 mars 2025 – 20h00
Amphithéâtre J. Cliton  – Campus Arts et Métiers (entrée Place de l’Abbaye)


Séminaire de formation “Vers des systèmes alimentaires locaux résilients”
8 et 9 avril 2025 – En savoir plus

Agents, élus, professionnels, acteurs de l’économie sociale,
et organisations non-gouvernementales, cadres du secteur privé, …..

Venez développer vos compétences et partager vos pratiques !


FORMATION – Professional Master (2nd level):
«Transitions and innovations in European territories: environments and landscapes beyond the anthropocene» 
Pre-registration is now open, so don’t wait any longer!   More


The vocation of the European College of Cluny is training for the bifurcation towards a “world after” which gives a future. Students, professionals, people involved in elective and associative commitments, business leaders and territorial actors, citizens from all over Europe come to the European College of Cluny in order to acquire tools, methods, skills, experience and knowledge to innovate, from the local to the global scale.

Training at Cluny is cooperative, open and creative, rooted in the field and in high-level research. It covers everything that is unprecedented, and everything that upsets. It aims to rebuild the fundamentals in order to close the parenthesis of the “anthropocene”.


Driving the transition to the world after

From the global scale to the local scale, the signs are accumulating of the inability of organizations to anticipate and react to societal crises: climate change, collapse of biodiversity, wars, dependence on fossil fuels, pandemics, social and digital exclusion, forced migrations, fragility of vital networks, misinformation.

Faced with these challenges of the Anthropocene and the imperative need to profoundly modify collective organization, lifestyles and economic models, higher education in Europe has not until now offered any transversal training. No preparation for the particular responsibilities required for the transformation of public institutions, companies, non-governmental organizations was available.

Faced with this lack, the European College of Cluny has decided to join forces with the University of Bologna to launch training geared both towards innovative action and research.

The modules of this one-of-a-kind training can be taken either as continuing education, seminar by seminar, or as a complete course sanctioned by a double recognition:
– the Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) degree from the prestigious University of Bologna, the oldest university in Europe,
– the title of «Member of the European College of Cluny».

This prestigious double-title guarantees both:
– recognition of the knowledge and skills needed to lead the transition (“Master of advanced studies” level)
– the keys to lifelong participation in the only European network of peers, specifically invested in building the world after.


“No solution that truly supports the Anthropocene scenario can eliminate the question from the subject, by depoliticizing and naturalizing the question, by making a mere technological exercise devoid of political relevance. Economic and social inequalities and differences in living standards cannot be ignored in favor of an undifferentiated vision of responsibilities, just as cannot be ignored the weight of promoting a vision of progress and well-being linked to level of consumption in relation to attempts to find a common understanding of these pressing issues. “
Professor Mario Neve, University of Bologna – President of Ravenna Campus

“Climate change, the explosion of inequalities, the vertiginous drop in biodiversity, the accumulation of fragilities linked to technological sophistication, consumerist recklessness: so many symptoms of the impasse in which the world has entered. “The ‘day after’ will not be a return to the ‘days before’.
The urgent need for a change of frame of reference, for thought and for public action, concerns all levels: local, regional, national, European and global. It requires the training of officials, capable of leading the processes of profound innovation in the management of “commons” and of designing the landscapes of the “post-anthropocene”.”

Jean-Luc Delpeuch, President of the community of communes of Clunisois

Join the Cluny – Bologna alliance!

 The team of European College of Cluny 








